Expert Technical Support for Existing Quantum Design Customers
Quantum Design Customer Service Team
Quantum Design's Customer Service Team is dedicated to supporting customers' needs with their instruments, whether these instruments are manufactured by Quantum Design or one of our distributed partners. Primary support includes help with instrument troubleshooting, routine maintenance, repairs and replacement parts. In addition, our Customer Service Team assists with all new equipment installations and offers initial training on instruments installed.
Whether you are inquiring about a new system or one that has been running for 25+ years, Quantum Design's expertly trained Customer Service Team is here to help your instrument run efficiently and reliably for many years to come. We are available by phone or email, and can often remotely log in to your system when needed to help you solve many issues. The Customer Service Team can also be contacted directly using the form below for further assistance.
Answers to many of the most common inquiries have already been described in formal Service Notes, which can be browsed on this page by platform or measurement option. A large selection of additional support information is also available in Pharos, Quantum Design's Digital Online Library.
Service Notes
General System
- Quantum Design's Printer Recommendations (10/09) - 1014-301
- EverCool™ Maintenance on Outdoor Compressors (9/09) - 1099-206
- Upgrading National Instruments 488.2 Drivers from Version 1.70 to 2.10 (1/04) - 1070-811
- Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide for Customer's Computers (11/03) - 1014-826
- In Response to a Scheduled Power Outage: MPMS with MultiVu (7/01)
- Initial Installation Instructions for the Reciprocating Sample Option (RSO) (1/01) - 1090-301
Tests and Procedures for Electronics Cabinet
- Replacing the EPROM on the 1802 (10/05) - 1014-816
- Replacing the Hardware Configuration Option EPROM on the 1822 (10/05) - 1014-806
- Testing for RSO Transport-SQUID Signal Coupling (3/04) - 1090-310
- 17 Bit Digitizer Board Replacement and Use (1/03) - 1014-812
- Overheating in the Non-XL MPMS Electronic Cabinet Console (3/01) - 1048-401
- Magnet Controls and Kepco Troubleshooting (1/01) - 1014-401
- Installing the RSO Grounding Strap for MPMS-XL Cabinets (11/00) - 1090-201
- Checking Voltage Levels on the 1822 Controller (5/99) - 1014-807
Tests and Procedures for Probe
- Recommendations for Avoiding Blocked Helium Impedances (1/12) - 1070-315
- Removing and Installing the Sample Tube (10/05) - 1014-305
- High-Powered Impedance Test (11/00) - 1014-308
- Installing and Using the RSO Airlock (11/00) - 1090-302
- Impedance Tube Blockage Test and Repair (9/95) - 1014-303
- Power Failures and Condensation on the MPMS 3 (10/11) - 1500-224
- Installation Requirements: Quantum Design MPMS 3 System (3/09) – 1500-005
- Installation Requirements: Quantum Design MPMS 3 EverCool System (3/09) – 1507-005
- Nitrogen Exhaust Plugged (5/08) – 1500-203
General System
- EverCool II Bottle Changing Instructions (8/12) - 1099-011
- Routine Outdoor Helium Compressor Maintenance Instructions (11/11) - 1201-022
- In Response to a Planned Power Outage: PPMS EverCool II Shut Down and Re-Start Procedure (10/11) - 1099-412
- Sample Chamber Flooding: How to Lower the Consumption of Helium Gas (10/11) - 1099-411
- High Voltage Fuses Failure: Troubleshooting and Replacement (10/11) - 1099-410
- Quantum Design's Printer Recommendations (10/09) - 1014-301
- EverCool Maintenance on Outdoor Compressors (9/09) - 1099-206
- Backup Power for Model 6000 Memory (2/08) - 1014-827
- Overheating of the Red Lemo Magnet Connector Cable (3/06) - 1070-206
- In Response to a Power Outage: PPMS with MultiVu and PPMS EverCool (2/06) - 1078-300
- Initial Cool Down of the EverCool Dewar (9/04) - 1095-308
- Configuration Download Instructions (4/04) - 1070-803
- Upgrading National Instruments 488.2 Drivers from Version 1.70 to 2.10 (1/04) - 1070-811
- Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide for Customer's Computers (11/03) - 1014-826
- Helium Transfer for PPMS; First-time Fill (7/03) – 1070-602
- Helium Transfers on the Cold Dewar (1/01) - 1070-601
Tests and Procedures for Electronics Cabinet
- Installing the H-plate Magnet Power Supply (6/01) - H-plate
- Test of Internal Flow Sensors (1/01) - 1070-303
- Testing the Neck and Block Drivers (1/01) - 1070-304
- Diaphragm Pump Rebuild and Upgrade (11/00) - 1085-301
Tests and Procedures for Probe
- PPMS System Check for DR (11/12) - 1091-209
- Recommendations for Avoiding Blocked Helium Impedances (1/12) - 1070-315
- Verifying the Calibration of the Magnetic Field in the PPMS (11/05) - 1084-309
- Replacing the Sample Chamber (1/01) - 1070-307
- Testing the Neck and Block Heater Resistances (1/01) - 1070-305
- PPMS Test for a Plugged Impedance (5/99) - 1070-306
Tests and Procedures for Options
- Dilution Refrigerator Option Unpacking Inspection (11/12) - 1091-208
- Installing Modified He3 Sample Stage (10/12) - 1092-208
- Helium-3 Gas Securing (5/12) - 1092-207
- Operating Guidelines for the Motor Module used for VSM (6/10) - 1096-307
- Cleaning the ACMS Coilset for Optimal Data (6/04) - 1084-303
- Changing the EPROM for the Turbo-Pump Controller in the Helium-3 Option (4/04) - 1092-204
- Modifying Cryopumps Installed with EverCool Systems (02/04) - 1083-201
- Cautions for Working with ACMS Coilsets at High Temperatures (6/03) - 1084-308
- Cleaning the ACMS Sample Transport Assembly (11/00) - 1084-601
- Installation Verification Procedure for the Horizontal Rotator Option (11/00) - 1384-701
- VersaLab AC Power Cable Assembly Service Advisory (8/15) – 1300-010
- Quantum Design's Printer Recommendations (10/09) - 1014-301
Tests and Procedures for Options
- Operating Guidelines for the Motor Module used for VSM (6/10) - 1096-307
Advanced Technology Liquefiers (ATL)
General Support
QD TeamViewer
Packing Instructions
Customer Service Requests
Our Customer Service Team can be reached from the United States or Canada at 1-800-289-6996 or service@qdusa.com.
For international service, please contact your local representative.