Quantum Design, Inc. - Your Source for Scientific Instrumentation

Parts & Consumables

Quantum Design is proud to launch a new online store to customers in North America for the purchase of Parts and Consumables. This expanded shopping experience allows for catalog shopping by credit card or by purchase order. Individuals now will be able to check their order status, shipping estimates, and tracking information. Credit card payments will be processed through a secure third-party company. Quantum Design will not have access to individual credit card information at any time.

Please fill out the account request form completely to speed up your account activation, including system serial number. If you are involved with multiple systems, please choose the most recently acquired system.

If you have partial or complete tax exemption, please attach documentation to support this. Tax exemption status must be verified prior to account approval.

Once you request an account, please allow for the necessary application review and account activation. You will receive an email with initial login information once approved.

For questions, please contact parts@qdusa.com.

Happy shopping!

Quantum Design