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News Release

Adoption of OptiCool in Research Laboratories

Adoption of OptiCool in Research Laboratories

OptiCool Installation at Northwestern University

Adoption of OptiCool in Research Laboratories

Northwestern Student Installs Opticool User Pod

October 1, 2019

he OptiCool, named one of the most innovative products introduced in 2018 by R&D 100 magazine, is now being adopted by leading optics and photonics research laboratories around the globe. Prof. Richard Averitt of the Physics Department at the University of California San Diego explains: "Integrating the OptiCool into my research program will allow for accessing experimental phase space in complex materials that simply wasn't available to my group in the past. Innovative products advance science and the OptiCool certainly meets this standard." In addition to the system at UCSD, the OptiCool was next successfully installed at Northwestern University, and then several other research labs. Dr. William Neils, co-inventor of the OptiCool, comments: "The first international installation of an OptiCool will take place soon. With each installation more researchers will have the opportunity to utilize the system's capabilities and see how easy it is to perform cutting edge experiments not previously possible in condensed matter physics and materials science. We are excited about the possibilities the OptiCool brings to the research community.

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