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Quantum Design Co-Founder Dr. Michael Simmonds Receives 2016 IEEE Award

Quantum Design Co-Founder Dr. Michael Simmonds Receives the 2016 IEEE Award

September 2016

r. Michael Simmonds, co-founder of Quantum Design, received the IEEE Award for Continuing Contributions in the Field of Applied Superconductivity (Small Scale Applications) at this year's Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) in Denver, Colorado. This award recognizes individuals for contributions in the field of applied superconductivity over a period of time (nominally more than twenty years) based on novel and innovative concepts proposed by the individual. Dr. Simmonds is recognized in part:

  • For his pioneering work in developing the revolutionary MPMS3 SQUID-VSM (SQUID based-Vibrating Sample Magnetometer).
  • For his design of a double-balanced SQUID which uses a symmetrical geometry to decouple the modulation and input coils.
  • For devising multiple methods of applying an AC bias to DC SQUIDs to greatly reduce low frequency noise, enabling their use in a wide variety of applications.

Dr. Simmonds, a long time resident of Bozeman Montana, donated the cash award to the Children's Museum of Bozeman. For more information about the IEEE Award, click here.

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